Tag Archives: santa barbara national history museum

Our Earth Day – Little Things Make a Difference

Flying Honu_24x36_We think about the earth every day around here!  Sharing it’s wonder and beauty is what we are all about.  I recently went to Santa Barbara’s Natural History Museum and saw a little acrylic box with jellyfish swimming around.  On closer inspection I realized it was a display showing how plastic shopping bags look in the ocean.  I was truly shocked at how bad of a problem this is for our sea life and for us.

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Did You Know?

  • Each year plastic kills more than a million sea birds and 100,000 mammals and sea turtles who mistake it for food, such as jellyfish.
  • 52% of sea turtles and 60% of sea birds have ingested some form of plastic.
  • Plastic toxins end up in fish, which end up on our plates, which end up inside our bodies.


The simple box of water with bags in it at the museum, really made me realize that even my occasional plastic shopping bag can end up in the ocean and harm our sea life.  So when it was time to re-order plastic bags for the gallery, I set out on a quest to find something better.  We are thrilled with our new reusable cloth bags and by the response so far, our Latitudes Family is too.ClothBags
















Tasha Cleaveland is Latitudes Fine Art Gallery’s Manager and Design Consultant.  She has been working with Stephanie and Steve since 2014 and is always excited to help Latitudes customers find the perfect piece to transform their space.

Learn more at http://www.seeturtles.org/ocean-plastic/ and https://www.norwexmovement.com/the-trashy-12/