Author Archives: Stephanie Hogue

Mother and Baby Dolphin

Marine Life Photographs by Steve Munch

by Stephanie Hogue

“Black Honu”

I have been a photographer for a long time…25 years to be exact. I have also seen a lot of photos. When I saw the work of Steve Munch, my breath was taken away. His work has a simplicity and elegance I have never seen before when it comes to wildlife. It almost looks as though it were photographed in a controlled environment like a studio. If I had not been by his side for some of these shots, I may have been suspicious. His work celebrates the beauty of these ocean dwellers that many of us will never get to see so up close and intimate.

“Gray Heart”

The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.

– Jacques Cousteau

“Dolphin Breath”
“Mother and Baby”
“Pelicans in Flight”